Magic painting without brushes!
Magic painting without brushes!
Posted by Mena Amnour
Painting is a great way to express creativity and this activity can easily be done in the home.
Mixing and stirring with a spoon is something our children do most days. The action of stirring is essential in the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. It strengthens children's fingers in preparation for when they need to hold a pen or pencil. You can talk about the colours and shapes you make and this fosters imagination and language.
Allow your child to take the lead and be independent (age permitting). Let them get excited about setting the table up and deciding which colours to mix first. It is all about experimenting.
They can use the earbuds to create anything they like! Allow them to use the straw to blow big bubbles, and be on hand to assist and support them. Give your child the confidence to make decisions about how they want to proceed with this activity. These independent skills are necessary for when they go into nursery.
If your child is younger. then sit beside them or have them on your lap. Use imaginative and expressive words when mixing or 'painting' with the earbuds. Words like 'swirly wirly', 'around and around and 'up and down' are just a few examples. Your child may not understand all these words yet, but they are being processed in their brain and stored away for future use.
The activity may last two minutes or an hour. It is all about responding to your child, taking turns, sharing, making mistakes, and above all having fun.