The Kids Are Taking Over!
The Kids Are Taking Over!
Posted by Wilhelmina Perry

The newest addition to our PACT quilt to mark the kid's takeover of the writing group
This week the kids from PACT’s writing group share their experiences during the lockdown. Whether it's our food, exercise or how we treat others; our children learn by example so it's great for them to see us sharing our feelings, writing and creating.
We find that sharing our stories can help to offload some of the worries that weigh us down and maybe we can reach others who are experiencing similar struggles.
Keep reading to see their amazing work!
After sharing their own experiences during COVID-19, PACT's writing group decided to ask their children.
Here are the questions we asked, why don't you give it a go!
- How did you feel when the decision was made to close school?
- How has the lockdown impacted you?
- What are you most worried and most happy about during this time?
- How do you feel this shutdown has impacted your/ the future?
How Corona has affected me
By Heli
The closing of schools because of the Coronavirus has really affected me. I usually wake up early in the morning and get ready for school but now I always wake up with disappointment that I don’t get to go to school and see my friends and family as well as not learning new things every day. In school, we always have fun and learn something new in every subject. We have lots of fun doing group projects and reading with children in KS1 but now we don’t get the opportunity to do all these.
SATS and projects
I didn’t have the opportunity to write SATS in year 2 so I was prepared and looking forward to the year 6 SATS which was going to be my very first time in my primary education. Going on my first trip in year 6 to Oker Wood was going to be the most exciting experience of my life as we would go into the forest and learn new things. We never had the chance to do an apprentice project and raise money for either the school or for a charity. We also never had a leavers party or disco as well as taking group pictures with friends and teachers to say goodbye. The only thing we managed to do before the outbreak was our year 6-year books which would be the only memorable book for me.
Use of internet/learning materials
Having the Coronavirus around, things have been a lot harder sharing my laptop with my sister over who gets to do their homework first. Learning from home is challenging because having people around me leads to distraction as well as the internet going on and off. We love each other very much but sometimes she is kind of a pain in the butt with her getting annoyed with me for no reason and fighting me all the time about the laptop. This gets on my nerves and sometimes gives me mental problems.
How staying at home is affecting our health
We all know that our health matters and we have to take good care of ourselves but staying at home is frustrating. We don’t have the chance to go out for a walk or go to the park. Even though we do P.E with Joe Wicks, I think it’s not enough because we also need fresh air and sunshine vitamin(vitamin D) to develop our bones and heart.
In conclusion, the “People are fighting hard now, but the war on the virus will be won and life will go on” Quote by Hamish Coates. For me, the Coronavirus pandemic in society is the worst thing that has ever happened to me!!!
My testimony during Coronavirus
by Lara

How did you feel initially when the decision was made to close the school?
I feel upset and angry because I was going to miss all my friends and I really like school. Thinking about missing out of the activities like carnival, gymnastics competitions, school concert, last school play, graduation and SATs was hard because since I am in year 6 this is last time I will do these sort of things. In my secondary school, there is no gymnastics so it was important to me to be part of the competitions for the last time. I was worried about doing schoolwork at home and being bored at home.
How has being in lockdown because of the coronavirus impacted you?
I feel it has had a bad way because not only have I missed all my friends and found learning at home hard but I feel more worried about starting a new school as most of my friends are going to different secondary schools. I feel I will lose touch with them as I do not have their numbers and I do not know if I will see them again before primary school finishes. I worry about going to a big school as well. My mood has been up and down. Spending so much time at home in a small flat has had a mostly bad effect as I lose my temper quickly and I am moodier.
What are you most worried and most happy about during this time?
I am most worried about not catching up with school work. I was suppose to do maths booster but i can’t now and even though my mum helps me and I do the work I still worry about it.
I am most happy about I get to have more time with my sisters and I do like it but sometimes they can annoy me a lot.
How do you feel this shut down has impacted on your/ the future?
I think this will affect me in a bad way as I need to get used to being inside then after going outside. It will be hard at the beginning of secondary school since I can not go to visit the school and meet other students that will go so it will probably be awkward. I hope there will be extra classes to catch up on the work as well.
COVID-19 and Me
I am in my last year of primary school. I attend a primary school in East Dulwich. The last couple of weeks I have not been attending my school because of Covid-19. My mum took me off school before school was officially closed as I suffer from asthma. As a result of this, I didn’t get the chance to say a proper goodbye to my friends which made me highly disappointed and sad.
At the beginning, it was very hard as I heard too much about Covid-19 whenever my parents watched the news. Around 4 weeks ago my parents stopped watching the news when I was around, so I wouldn’t get too paranoid as it affected my emotions.
Covid -19 has made me miss my friends, I don’t have a phone so I can’t talk to my friends and I miss playing, having fun and laughing together. The positive about Covid -19 is spending more time at home with my family. This makes me happy as when I am at school I don’t get to spend much quality time with my family.
As I am in year 6, I was supposed to take my SATs this year but now it is cancelled, so I don’t know how will it affect my future not taking it. I don’t know if school will open and I will get to see my friends again, even if locked down is over I don’t know if my mum will send me to school so I can go to my year 6 school trip. I want Covid -19 to go away forever.

I am worried that coronavirus might not stop and it will take a long time to stop. We might forget how we normally do stuff before the coronavirus.
Okubo-ere Cocodia

When the decision was made I felt unhappy because I wouldn't get to see my friends but I also felt excited to spend time with my family!

I felt sad because I wanted to go to school and do more work.
Keep in touch
If you like to write, draw, paint, tell stories then feel free to join our writing group - simply contact Minnie at 07495032811