Zoom Trip to the Zoo
Zoom Trip to the Zoo
Posted by Wilhelmina Perry
Today, PACT took a Zoom trip to Edinburgh Zoo and Washington's Natural History Museum to draw some animals. You can travel around the world from the comfort of your kitchen!
Edinburgh Zoom

It's lunchtime - the Panda loved eating the bamboo!
Check out the animals using their live cams, there's a Panda, Koala, a Tiger and lots of Penguins! Have a go at drawing what you see, or maybe tell a story!

Smithsonian Natural History Museum in Washington DC

Other Fun Virtual Tours:
Cliffs of Moher: https://www.cliffsofmoher.ie/virtual-visit-tour/
Longleat Safari, Live video every Saturday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUmHClrRPxc&feature=emb_title
Buckingham Palace: https://www.royal.uk/virtual-tours-buckingham-palace
Central Park USA: https://www.youvisit.com/tour/centralpark